Monday, March 16, 2015

Another week goes by

My dear horde of loyal followers, I have not been idle. I started running in earnest this week and it was pretty good. My legs hurt like heck afterwards because I haven't really run in a long time, but it was good. I didn't swim Thursday because of some dumb excuse, but I ran that evening.

I weighed myself Sunday morning and I was down to 166.2. That's pretty sweet but I hadn't eaten much the day before and I think my inside parts were pretty empty.

So running is going good and swimming is going good. Unfortunately the weather has been great. This weather is good for my running habits but terrible for future generations of humans who will have to fight with scavenging animals for scraps of food on the burnt husk of a planet they will be forced to inhabit. At least they won't be fat, which is what this blog is about.

Humans are crazy. We like going places the easiest way possible. Not only do we destroy our planet, but we get fat at the same time. We need to embrace the hard way. I'm going to take a small step towards going places the hard way by cancelling my C-Train parking. This will force me to either ride my bike to work at the huge oil producer I work for or walk the 20 minute walk to the train. I could also take the bus, but it is fortunately very inconvenient so it's nicer to just walk. I'll also save $80 a month. I'm going to hate myself this coming winter when it's -30C and I'm walking to the train in my skinny jeans, freezing the whole way because I don't have any fat on my bones, but it will be worth it.

You are so dead, little buddy. Enjoy it while you can.
Another thing we do because we love being fat and destroying our planet at the same time is eating stupid food. We eat processed food made by huge corporations that cut down rainforests and use plastic packaging that winds up in our oceans killing whales. That food tastes really good, but it makes us so fat.

It's kind of sweet that if we started getting from A to B in a more responsible way, we not only get thin but we save the whales too. It's a win/win.

I'm signing off for this week, but be assured that I will check in later with some updates.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dustin's Sunday Night Check-In

Look people, you can stop the clamouring. I'm here and I'm ready to rumble. Especially if "rumble" means "write in this blog". I've had some ups and downs over the last few weeks with regards to my fitness but I'm ready to keep this party going.

Here are my excuses for not exercising much:
  1. Bad weather
  2. A cold
I've been swimming twice a week and the swim workouts have been really good. The weather finally got nice this weekend so I went for a run yesterday. It was only 4km but I want to start running more regularly. Once the weather gets better I'll ride my bike to work too.

The weather excuse really is a good one. When it's -20C out there I can barely muster up the courage to walk to my car, let alone to go for a run. It's very slippery out too.

But none of this is why I sat down and put my proverbial pen to paper today. I am here is to tell you about an exciting new idea that I've thought of that might help me to lose weight. It's a radical departure from what I've been doing, but I'm feeling confident that if I can pull it off I will reap many benefits. 

Here is the idea: eat less.

I will now share a bit of personal history: I used to eat less, and then I got bored of eating less and I started to eat more. It was around that same time that I stopped exercising. Eating more and not exercising. Those two things combined into a perfect storm of metabolic catastrophe that caused me to arrive at this sad point in my life - 20 lbs heavier and unable to fit into my favourite trousers. So my new plan is to not eat the thing, instead of eating the thing. 

In sort of related news, I'm hoping to compete in a triathlon in July. I need to be able to swim and bike and run for a sustained length of time. I'm not going to get too excited because I get all kinds of injuries from these activities and I don't want to be too disappointed, but doing this race is my general plan.