Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mike's Sunday Night Check In

I upset a large portion of the reader base last week by not meeting my net calorie goal. Well it turns out that I did meet the goal!  I just misunderstood the myfitnesspal numbers.

There's some bad news, though.  I failed for real this week.  I averaged 1910 net calories per day instead of 1800.  I mostly did okay but one or two really bad days pushed me over.

Otherwise I did alright.  I walked for more than 300 minutes, ran 4 km yesterday, did pilates today, and stretched 5 times.

I weighed in at 180.2 lbs which is up from last week (179.6 lbs) but that might just be due to my poop patterns.

My goals this week are: walk 300+ mins, run 4 km or bike for 45 minutes, stretch 6 times, and keep the net calories to 1800.

(Image of poop pattern from Kandi Patterns)

Dustin's Sunday Night Check-In (169lbs)

I was just reaching to turn off my light to go to sleep when I remembered that I had forgotten to write my Sunday night check-in.  The thought of my army of loyal readers not having their weekly update caused me to collect my computer off of it's perch and open it up.

This was a pretty solid week. My goals were achievable, and I can proudly report that I achieved them.

This swim workout was intense
Swimming on Tuesday? Yep. Swimming on Thursday? That's affirmatory. A run on Saturday? You got it, Pontiac!

The running parts of my body are tired because it's been a while since I've actually run. I ran 4.3km. It felt good to run and I wanted to keep going but I need to be careful not to do too much too soon.

I weighed 166 lbs this morning which seemed good. I just got up to weigh myself now on Sunday night and I am at 169 lbs. I ate like a starving man locked in a hot dog factory tonight at my mom and dad's place, including 3 helpings of ice cream. This means the 169 lbs can be fairly compared to last week's 172 lbs after a similar binge.

I brought my lunch to work every day this past week except Friday (my friend Scott owed me a lunch) so my caloric intake was pretty reasonable.

My goals this week are to run 4km on Monday and swim on Tuesday and Thursday. I plan to run again on Saturday. Next week I'll bump the running kms up to 6 and start making weekly kilometre goals.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Dustin's Sunday Night Check In

Loyal readers, the internet doesn't lie. It's actually Monday evening. I was very tired last night and plopped down into bed and had a great night's sleep. Mike, my blogging partner, immediately forgave me and even found a way to look at the bright side of my slothfulness: he reminded me that a good night's sleep is refreshing and helpful to the body.

I can't even remember what I did last week. I didn't do most of the things I promised to. I did swim on Tuesday, and it was a very hard swim so there's that.

A huge improvement I made, however, is the bringing of the lunch. I started bringing my lunch to work and I'm both eating more healthily and saving valuable money. I'm really happy about that. I also walked to the train today which involves a very long hill. It's a 20 minute walk. So that's nice. Good for me.

My weigh-in this morning was 168.5. That seems like an improvement but I think it's just because it's morning and I had peed.

My goals this week are to swim Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I should probably run on Saturday too. I will also bring my lunch all week. It's already packed and ready to go for tomorrow.

I'm actually really optimistic about this whole "eat well AND exercise" idea instead of just one or the other. I'm awfully hungry by the time I get home, and that's just perfect.

The best part about this blog will be later this year or maybe at Christmas when Mike and I get together and get someone to take a picture of us in our skinny clothes. We're going to look so hip and skinny.

I need to hit the sack because my swimming lane partner, also named Mike, isn't going to slow down for me tomorrow morning just because I'm feeling tired. He's going to give 'er.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mike's Sunday Night Check In

What a week, what a week.  I'm down to 179.6 pounds and 100 cm (from 183.4 pounds and 101 cm) and I think at least some of it is real weight loss. And it's all due to a certain pal. A fitness pal. My fitness pal.

I only packed a lunch once (semi-pass) and averaged 1850 calories per day instead of 1800 (fail) but I did 300+ minutes of walking (pass), did 45+ minutes of cycling (pass), and stretched 6 times (pass).

I had to force myself to go on the bike ride but it turned out to be both fun and a good level of strenuous.

This blog is helping, I think. I like how it lets me feel done with the week and start fresh again.

My goals for this week are:

  • average 1800 net calories per day
  • stretch 6 times
  • 30 minutes of running or 45 minutes of cycling
  • walk for 300 minutes
  • one pilates session

Thanks for reading.

Photo by Marie Hale (Flickr).

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dustin's Sunday Night Check In

So here's the thing, loyal readers: Sunday night is a terrible night for a weigh in. I had 3 helpings of my mom's meatloaf and then 3 helpings of her delicious apple cobbler with ice cream. Let me tell you, it was to die for. I ate 3 meals tonight and they are still in me.

I give myself a B- for the week. It was an okay start. My weight is 172.2 tonight.

Monday: I did the 30 minute bike ride. I actually did a 35 minute bike ride, for those of you loyal readers who value precision. I watched Dr. Who on Netflix and it wasn't bad. (pass)

Here is a picture of my bike on the trainer, ready to go:

Wednesday: I packed my running stuff up carefully. It took quite a while to find all my stuff. I asked my wife what I must not forget, and she told me that the one thing I must have is my running shoes. I only realized I had forgotten them when I made it to work. Summary: no run. (fail)

Thursday: I swam my butt off in the morning. There's a new dude in lane 3, loyal readers, and he's faster than me. I worked hard to keep up and I got a good work out. I think we swam 1800m over the course of the hour long workout. (pass)

I went to a party on Saturday night and ate every hors d'oeuvre that was passed to me. There's the aforementioned culinary indiscretion at my parents' place tonight too, but I also made some good food choices this week.

My goals for this week:

Monday: I'd like to run, but if it's too cold out I'll ride my bike for 40 minutes.

Tuesday: Swim Class.

Wednesday: Run 5km or bike 40 minutes

Thursday: No swim class because my wife has to work. I will run 5km or bike 40 minutes

I discovered a great turkey wrap at the cafeteria at work that I'm going to start eating too.


I feel like this week was a good, easy start. I want to do better this week. Consistency is going to be the important thing.

Mike's Sunday Night Check In

I give myself a C- grade for this past week.  I started off pretty strong but drank a large amount of cider on Friday night with friends and that made Saturday into a lazy day involving pizza.

Today I got back on track by going to pilates and eating well.  I'm going to use MyFitnessPal for at least a couple weeks because it has worked well for me before and several people I know are trying it.

My goals from last week:
  • pack a lunch (with vegetables) at least twice.  I only did it once.
  • stretch 6 times.  I did it!
  • run 3 km or bicycle for 30 minutes. I did my best. I ran 3km with a little bit of walking.
  • walk for 300 minutes.  I did about 360 minutes.
My measurements this week:
  • 183.4 pounds (that's up 1 pound but I blame variance. I bet I didn't lose or gain weight.)
  • 101 cm waist (same as last week)
My goals this week are:
  • pack a lunch (with vegetables) at least twice.
  • stretch 6 times.
  • run for 30 minutes or do 45 minutes of cycling.
  • walk for 300 minutes.
  • average 1800 net calories per day.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mike's Sunday Night Check In


Here are my measurements from yesterday:

Weight: 182.4 pounds (kind of unfortunate as I was 175 last July)
Waist (at belly button level): 101 cm

My fitness plan for the coming week is:

- pack a lunch (with vegetables) at least twice
- stretch 6 times
- run 3 km or bicycle for 30 minutes
- walk for 300 minutes

Good luck with your week as well, Dustin!

Dustin's Sunday Night Check In

Here is my fitness plan for this coming week. I'm hoping that making a plan will help me to actually do stuff instead of no doing stuff, which is my normal MO.

Monday: 30 minute bike ride in my basement. This will require effort because my bike isn't on the trainer and I have to find my pump.

Tuesday: Normally this is when I swim with my YMCA swim class but Steff needs me to get the kids off to school so I need to skip it.

Wednesday: 4km run at lunch at work.

Thursday: YMCA swim class.

Saturday: Either a 4km run or a 40 minute basement bike ride, depending on the weather.

This seems like a pretty good start. I'm not going to weigh myself tonight or measure my huge belly because of laziness.

Good luck with your week, Mike!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome from Dustin

2015 is the year that Mike and Dustin get in better shape. I had a pretty good 2013 for that, but I got very lazy in 2014. Maybe there is strength in numbers and Mike and I can together struggle against laziness and poor eating choices.

I'm so serious about this that I ate quinoa with blueberries for breakfast the other day. That's 2 superfoods mixed together to make a single ultrafood.

My goal for 2015 is to be able to wear a slim-fitting shirt and not show all of my fat. I also want to fit into my favourite gap pants that have a 32 waist. My weight this morning while wearing pyjamas after peeing was 169.4. My goal weight is 155.

Tune in soon to hear about how Dustin starts to think about exercise.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Welcome from Mike

Hello and welcome to Mike and Dustin's fitness blog!  This is where we post anything to do with us getting fit.

To kick things off, I'm focusing on eating healthier foods and cooking at home more. Tonight, I made a salad with tofu, green peppers, carrots, romaine lettuce, and apple. It wasn't good. I tried to stir fry the tofu but it was a soggy mess. It turns out you're supposed to press all the water out of it first. Who knew?

Also, the kale I bought smelled pooey so I didn't put any in.

I bought myself a scale so tomorrow morning I'll take a measurement and share it here.