Loyal readers, the internet doesn't lie. It's actually Monday evening. I was very tired last night and plopped down into bed and had a great night's sleep. Mike, my blogging partner, immediately forgave me and even found a way to look at the bright side of my slothfulness: he reminded me that a good night's sleep is refreshing and helpful to the body.
I can't even remember what I did last week. I didn't do most of the things I promised to. I did swim on Tuesday, and it was a very hard swim so there's that.
A huge improvement I made, however, is the bringing of the lunch. I started bringing my lunch to work and I'm both eating more healthily and saving valuable money. I'm really happy about that. I also walked to the train today which involves a very long hill. It's a 20 minute walk. So that's nice. Good for me.
My weigh-in this morning was 168.5. That seems like an improvement but I think it's just because it's morning and I had peed.
My goals this week are to swim Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I should probably run on Saturday too. I will also bring my lunch all week. It's already packed and ready to go for tomorrow.
I'm actually really optimistic about this whole "eat well AND exercise" idea instead of just one or the other. I'm awfully hungry by the time I get home, and that's just perfect.
The best part about this blog will be later this year or maybe at Christmas when Mike and I get together and get someone to take a picture of us in our skinny clothes. We're going to look so hip and skinny.
I need to hit the sack because my swimming lane partner, also named Mike, isn't going to slow down for me tomorrow morning just because I'm feeling tired. He's going to give 'er.
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