Sunday, January 4, 2015

Dustin's Sunday Night Check In

Here is my fitness plan for this coming week. I'm hoping that making a plan will help me to actually do stuff instead of no doing stuff, which is my normal MO.

Monday: 30 minute bike ride in my basement. This will require effort because my bike isn't on the trainer and I have to find my pump.

Tuesday: Normally this is when I swim with my YMCA swim class but Steff needs me to get the kids off to school so I need to skip it.

Wednesday: 4km run at lunch at work.

Thursday: YMCA swim class.

Saturday: Either a 4km run or a 40 minute basement bike ride, depending on the weather.

This seems like a pretty good start. I'm not going to weigh myself tonight or measure my huge belly because of laziness.

Good luck with your week, Mike!

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